Better Business Cases TM Practitioner
(course code BBCP1)


The Better Business Cases (BBC) approach is structured around the UK Five Case Model, which provides a disciplined, step by step approach to the development of a robust investment proposal.

This Seminar advances participants to a Practitioner understanding of how to apply BBC guidance in practice.

Our courses are based on the 2016 edition of Better Business Cases and the associated International Guide to the Project Business Case. Better Business Cases now also provides guidance on developing programme Business Cases, which we have enhanced using our deep knowledge of programme management and the MSP programme management method.

Course Objectives

The Practitioner Seminar will ensure that the candidate achieves sufficient understanding of the theory and application of the Five Case Model to allow them to effectively develop and produce a business case.

Candidates should be able to apply and understand how to tailor the Five Case Model effectively to the development of a business case within an organization environment supporting the approach. Specifically candidates should:

  • Understand the development lifecycle of a business case and the relationships between the five cases;
  • Be able to apply the steps in the business case development framework, in order to support the production of a business case, using the Five Case Model, for a given scenario.

Delegates will be fully prepared for the Practitioner exams.

Who Should Attend

This course is aimed at anyone involved with, or overseeing, a project to understand the work that is necessary to prove a case for investment. In particular, key personnel involved in the preparation of service and capital related schemes. This includes:

  • Senior Responsible Owners (SROs), Programme Directors and Project Managers, with responsibility for the successful delivery of programmes and projects;
  • Directors of Finance, Procurement and Planning, with responsibility for the forward planning of operational aspects of a proposal;
  • Members of the Management Board (Chairman, non-executives, the CEO and other directors), with strategic responsibility for approving proposals throughout their life span.


Candidates for the Practitioner exam must have previously passed the Foundation exam.

Delivery Partners

We deliver this course across Australia and Asia.
In New Zealand, we deliver this course in partnership with Project Results.
In the United Kingdom and Europe, we deliver this course in partnership with Value People.

Course Content

The Practitioner Seminar helps you to integrate the concepts presented in the Foundation course. Delegates will work through a range of exercises and case studies in order to broaden and deepen their understanding of Better Business Cases guidance, and to prepare for the Practitioner exam.

Certification Exams

The Practitioner Exam is a 2½ hour objective testing exam. You will be able to access the 'Delivering Public Value From Spending Proposals' guide during the exam, but will have access to no other material. There will be 4 questions and 80 question items, each worth 1 mark for a total of 80 marks. You must get at least 40 of the 80 question items correct to pass. The questions will be presented in the following styles:

  • Classical multiple choice
  • Yes/No
  • Multiple response
  • Matching
  • Sequencing
  • Assertion/Reason

Candidates for the Practitioner Exam must have passed the Foundation Exam.

We conduct these exams on behalf of the relevant Examination Institute, subject to their terms and conditions.
Please note: Exam candidates must bring signed photo ID (passport, driving licence, etc.) as they will be asked to produce it by the invigilator prior to the exam.

Course Fees

We offer a range of delivery styles and packages for this course. Please go to the Packages and Inclusions page to review the inclusions provided with each package.

Professional Development

Candidates who pass the Practitioner exam are entitled to style themselves as a "Registered Better Businesss Cases Practitioner" on CVs and business cards.

Successful completion of this course may entitle you to credits in various professional development programmes:

Follow-on Courses

We recommend that delegates who complete this course should proceed with one of our Management of Benefits or MoV value management courses.

Better Business CasesTM is a trade mark of Her Majesty's Treasury.
The APMG-International Better Business Cases and Swirl Device logo is a trade mark of The APM Group Limited and Her Majesty's Treasury.

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